List of emcopy commands
List of emcopy commands

You could choose to "stop monitoring" from the old IIQ instance, but it doesn't really matter. We can now change the permissions and set the file to executable, then run the script. Login to cli of the cluster node in question as root user. To gather that info, use the directory filter option, which is “-r”: As an example, if we wanted more detail on the subfolders under the /NFS_exports/warehouse/ directory, we’d run the following command: Below is the output from the csv file that I generated: Note that how deep you can go down the /ifs subdirectory tree depends on the FSA configuration in InsightIQ. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors.

#List of emcopy commands free

Feel free to … As Ed said, IIQ is indeed very fussy about the directory structure of its datastore. The isi statistics CLI command can be used to show how many stubs are stored in each node pool. It can be used with any version of OneFS beginning with 7.x.

list of emcopy commands

The CLI commands available in InsightIQ are for "exporting" specific FSA or perf data to CSV files. Below is the command to export the first-level directories under /ifs from a specified cluster for a specific FSA job: If I want to view the /ifs subdirectores from job 57467, here’s the command syntax and it’s output: Below is the resulting file. Can be altered by the command line interface and is … Raised when an CLI command has a non-zero exit code. Command line, web administration interface, and SNMP. With InsightIQ, the included data export tool allows users to access data in two ways: through ad hoc data extraction by simply clicking on “download” from the user interface and exporting it into in a spreadsheet in CSV format or by using the command line interface, which enables customers to define the data to extract, and Independent of protocol, what does Isilon OneFS use to translate identities? InsightIQ can report the number of stub files stored on the cluster.

list of emcopy commands

From the new instance, choose datastore IMPORT. One question I have is do we need to stop the old InsightIQ instance before I do the import on the new? Open an SSH connection(CLI session) to the Isilon cluster you want to create an export.

List of emcopy commands